
Measuring the Impact of Safety

Driving Metrics You Need to Make Fleet Management Simpler

Finally, Mobileye’s pioneering ADAS technology is available in a fleet management tool. With the Mobileye Connect Platform, you can optimize your investment in safety by tracking your fleet’s performance through the real-time alerts your drivers receive from the Mobileye 8 Connect collision avoidance system. Ride along with your drivers from anywhere in the world thanks to AI-powered fleet data.

Visibility into Your Fleet


mobileye connect platform

Measure Safety

Our platform combines collision avoidance alerts with g-sensor data to provide a powerful picture of how your fleet safety is improving

Gain Driver Behaviour Insights
Gain Driver Behaviour Insights

With alert data metrics you’ll have greater insight into near misses and drivers’ progress on unsafe habits such as tailgating, harsh braking, and lane changes without signaling

Optimise Driver Training
Optimise Driver Training

Our safety reports make it easy to identify which drivers could benefit from extra training and which might be rewarded for safe driving

Driver Safety Metrics

Headway Monitoring Warnings

how often drivers follow the vehicle ahead too closely

Forward Collision Warnings

how often drivers experience near misses with the vehicle ahead

Lane Departure Warnings

how often drivers leave their lane without signaling


how often drivers exceed the speed limit

Mobileye gives you a driving safety score by analysing the metrics listed

Harsh Braking

when drivers brake suddenly

Harsh Cornering

when drivers turn at high speed

Harsh Acceleration

when drivers accelerate rapidly